About the Journal
CandraRupa: Journal of Art, Design, and Media (e-ISSN: 2714-8076) is a scientific journal based on Art, Design, and Media published by Universitas Dinamika. Candrarupa is an article that contains conceptual, research resumes, and book reviews. The development of Art, Design, and Media is the primary goal of this journal as the main foundation in both theoretical and practical forms. In addition, CandraRupa is published twice a year on MARCH and OCTOBER which has published for the first time in 2019 by Universitas Dinamika Surabaya.
- Journal Title: CandraRupa : Journal of Art, Design, and Media
- Initial: CandraRupa : Journal of Art, Design, and Media
- Publication Frequency: 2 issues per year
- Online ISSN: 2714-8076
- Editor in Chief : Dr. Mochammad Arifin, S.Pd., M.Si.
- Publisher:Universitas Dinamika
- Email : candrarupa@dinamika.ac.id
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.37802/candrarupa
Current Issue
Article Vol.3 No.1 was published in March 2024. This article has gone through the stages of review and plagiarism and can be accessed online. This article is still indexed by Google Scholar and Doi.
Full Issue
Perancangan Set Meja Makan Menggunakan Konsep Space Saving dengan Jerami Sebagai Unsur Hias
Strategi Manajemen Acara Festival Sinema Akhir Tahun (SAT) Sebagai Jalur Ekshibisi Film Tahun 2019 - 2021
Visualisasi Kapal Naga Viking dan Simbol Vegvisir dalam Produk Busana Siap Pakai
Makna Solidaritas pada Film Miss Congeniality
Analisis Mise En Scene dalam Interaksi Tokoh Yuni dengan Para Tokoh Antagonis pada film Yuni
Persepsi Audiens Terhadap Logo “Pempek Nyonya Kamto”
Perancangan Media Interaktif Berbasis Augmented Reality Sejarah Trowulan Untuk Anak Sekolah
Invensi Lingkungan dalam Café Kesehatan Studi Kasus: Café Rumah Pohon