Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

Publication ethics of the Journal of Applied Management and Business

Journal of Applied Management and Business is a Peer-Reviewed Journal published by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Dinamika University. This journal is published twice a year, namely in July and December. This journal covers the fields of Business management, Strategic management, Supply-chain management, Change management, Intellectual capital, Knowledge management, Human resources management, Online marketing, International marketing, Strategic marketing, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial education, International business, Customer relationship management, Accounting research .

The Journal of Applied Management and Business has a publication code of ethics based on the Regulation of the Head of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences Number 5 of 2014, stating that the scientific publication code of ethics essentially upholds three ethical values in publication, namely 1) Neutrality, namely free from conflicts of interest in publication management, 2) Fairness, namely giving authorship rights to those entitled to be authors, and 3) Honesty, namely being free from duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism in publications. With these three ethical values, this Scientific Publication Code of Ethics can guide managers, editors, reviewers, and authors in the scientific journal publication system to always comply with the code of ethics, follow standards and accept responsibility for good scientific publication management practices.

The following are the responsibilities of the Publisher, editor, reviewer, and authors of the Journal of Applied Management and Business:

The Responsibilities of Publisher

Publishers are scientific professional organizations, research and development institutions, universities, and publishing bodies that have the final role of publishing or not publishing scientific work.

  1. Responsible for publishing manuscripts that have previously gone through the process of editing, reviewing, and layout in accordance with the rules of publishing scientific journals.
  2. Responsible for ensuring academic freedom for editors and reviewers in carrying out their respective duties.
  3. Responsible for maintaining privacy and protecting intellectual property, copyright, and editorial freedom.

The Responsibilities of Editors

Editors of Journal of Applied Management and Business coordinates the roles and functions of authors, reviewers, and journal managers in publishing papers based on scientific and ethical principles.

  1. Responsible for deciding which manuscripts are worthy of publication through the editorial board referring to applicable legal requirements regarding defamation, copyright infringement, duplication, data fabrication, and plagiarism.
  2. Responsible for organizing the review and acceptance of manuscripts.
  3. Responsible for ensuring the fairness of the results of the review of the paper.
  4. The Editors of the Journal of Applied Management and Business will not disclose any information about incoming manuscripts or manuscripts except with the author’s permission.
  5. Unpublished manuscripts will not be used by the Journal of Applied Management and Business editors for their interests and will be returned directly to the author.

The Responsibilities of Reviewers

The reviewers of the Journal of Applied Management and Business help editors critically examine the substance of scientific work according to their expertise.

  1. Responsible for objectively reviewing articles in Journal of Applied Management and Business  and supported by clear arguments.
  2. Reviewers are fully responsible for recommending manuscripts that have been reviewed.
  3. Reviewers are responsible for citations, references, data fabrication, and data falsification of an article.
  4. Reviewers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the information and not using information from the manuscripts they are reviewing for personal gain/interest.

The Responsibilities of the Authors

The author expresses the results of his thoughts, including research and development, in the form of writing that meets the requirements of scientific and ethical principles.

  1. The author must honestly present the results of his thoughts or research without duplication, data fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism.
  2. The author is collectively responsible for the work and content of the article, including methods, analysis, calculations, and details.
  3. The author is responsible for the confirmation submitted for the manuscript that has been written.
  4. The author shows references from the opinions and works of others cited.
  5. Authors must write manuscripts ethically, honestly, and responsibly in accordance with applicable scientific writing regulations.
  6. The author does not double-submit to other journals during the process at the Journal of Applied Management and Business.