
  • Darlin Aulia Bisnis Digital, Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya




Customer Relationship Managemet, Sales Performance, Competitive Advantages


Customer relationship management, often known as CRM and referred to in some circles as just CRM, is a strategy that allows businesses the capacity to more effectively manage their customers' accounts as well as the interactions those customers have with the business. In order for a business's CRM strategy to be successful, the organization must put a high value on the quality of the customer experience.  Customers who have been loyal to a specific brand for a significant amount of time and have a high level of confidence in the company often move on to become brand advocates in other contexts. There is a chance that improvements to cross-selling, up-selling, and deep-selling might be of assistance to businesses in increasing the total lifetime worth of their clientele. Customers that consistently exhibit a commitment to the company are rewarded with a range of privileges. These might include exclusive access to sales and discounts, individualized customer support, and personalized promotions and specials. The charges that are associated to sustaining present customers are a substantial lot lower when compared to the expenditures that are involved with attracting new consumers to become clients of the business.


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