Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Vol.4 No.1, July 2023
Article Vol.4 No.1 was published in July 2023. This article has passed the stage of review, plagiarism, and can be accessed online. This article is still indexed by Google Scholar and DOI.
Full Issue
The Influence of Store Atmosphere, Customer Delight and Product Completeness on Consumer Loyalty in Groceries Retail MSMES Suko Asri Market Kab. Sidoarjo
The Factors affecting Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Role of Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction
Optimization of Integrated Digital Marketing in The Marketing Strategy of MSME Culinary Tourism Centers (SWK) Wonorejo City of Surabaya
Social Media Advertising, Conformity, and Environment on Hedonist Lifestyle Through Consumptive Behavior
Artificial Intelligence and Novel Services: Exploring Opportunities in the Marketing Landscape