Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Vol. 4 No.1 (2022)

Volume 4 Number 1 was published in October 2022 that consists of 6 articles from researchers, lecturers, and students from a country including: Indonesia, and several universities including: Universitas Dinamika and Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya. These articles have passed the stage of review, plagiarism, and can be accessed online. In addition, This article has been indexed by DOAJ, Sinta 5, Google Scholar, DOI, and Garuda.
Full Issue
Rancang Bangun Website untuk Administrasi Warga Gubeng Kertajaya Surabaya untuk mendukung Penerapan Smart City
Evaluasi Usability, Pedagogical dan User Experience My Brilian Menggunakan Metode Tuxel
Analisis Pengelolaan dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Perusahaan Furniture (Studi Kasus: CV. DNA Bali)
Analisis Unified Theory Of Acceptance And Use Of Technology (UTAUT) Terhadap Penerimaan Adopsi Teknologi E-Learning Pada Fitur Video Conference Di Kalangan Mahasiswa Kampus Baru (Studi Kasus: ITTelkom Surabaya)
Rancang Bangun Smart System Green House untuk Budidaya Melon Berbasis PLC
Penerapan Algoritma Naïve Bayes dan ID3 untuk Memprediksi Segmentasi Pelanggan pada Penjualan Mobil